the terme of roselle Maremma - Discover Maremma

the terme of roselle Maremma the touristical website about Maremma

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the terme of roselle

the terme of roselle

The thermal water of the zone of Rosella, chemically has an sulfate-alkaline-earthy composition and a high percentage of joined sulfur to oxygen that it renders of the air the smell sulfur fort less perceptible. The percentage of chlorine, sodium, magnesium and soccer, renders these effective waters also for the cures of vascular, reumatologiche and cutaneous diseases. The water gushes out from the source to one medium temperature of 37 degrees. The treatments use you in the thermal center of Roselle are the mud therapies, the cutaneous cures against the rheumatism, neuritises and pathologies. Corporei cures for means of aerosol, hydromassages and massages are used also.

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